Meet the Sagas...
The Robot City Saga
Some were created by Miles "Tails" Prower, others by skilled creators. They live their lives just like normal humans, no questions asked.
Some of the main characters are:
Tails' Ryu (Ryu) and his counterpart X Ryu
Tails' Ken (Ken) and his counterpart X Ken
Tails' Chun Li (Chun Li) and her counterpart X Chun Li
Tails' Guile (Guile) and his counterpart X Guile
Tails' Cammy (Cammy) and her counterpart X Cammy
Tails' Fei Long (Fei Long) and his counterpart X Fei Long
Others include the Revival counterparts and those who came from the Street Fighter college in Fighter City.
The 'Classic' Unofficial Capcom Saga called 'Dreams Come True'
Okay...the 'technical' main character is Jessica "Musashi" Baxter, a young woman who is bent on finding the man who killed her father. During her childhood, she was trained in the arts of Shotokan, and along the way, she met Ryu and Ken. Years later, she had a crush on one of them (can't tell you now) and she shared her first kiss with him.
Why am I telling you all of this? Anyway, let's just say that Ken won't marry Eliza in this saga. I'll never tell, but the titles of my stories make a dang dead giveaway!
The School Fighter Saga
It's a crazy one, yeah! The academy is turned upside down when these seventh graders come along. That's right, Ryu, Ken, Jessie, Jakeuline, and many others come together in what is known as the 'School Fighters'.
(The 8th grade version is out now. Care to read it?)
The Raging Fighters Saga
I used to call this 'Streets of Rage: The Misti Baxter Series'.
Now then, the year is 2025, the location is Los Angeles. A woman named Misti Baxter is attempting to find the kidnapper of her sister. Misti believes that she may have been brainwashed or even killed. So she enlists the help of her sister, Jessica (Yes, that Jessie!) and three other people. Then two more decide to join. Then they run into a woman named Cammy White, she joins because she wants to get revenge on the person who killed her mother and twin sister. She unknowingly was a former assassin working for him. (and no, the bad guy is not Bison.)
Any questions? Feel free to e-mail me at:
Don't worry. If you're confused, you won't be the only one!
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